
HTB - Nibbles


Nibbles was the first easy HTB target that I pwned, and probably the majority of HTB users as well, as it was used as an example at the Penetration Test job path.

Nibbles is a fairly simple machine, however with the inclusion of a login blacklist, it is a fair bit more challenging to find valid credentials. Luckily, a username can be enumerated and guessing the correct password does not take long for most.

1. Information Gathering

What we know beforehand:

  1. Target’s IP address.
  2. Targets OS: Linux.
  3. The room focus on web app testing.


  • 1 Port scanning
  • 2 Banner Grabbing

Port scanning

Nmap scan results
Banner grabbing with netcat

Next steps

  1. Web enumeration
  2. SSH credentials

2. Web enumeration


  • 1 Check tools used
    • 1.1 Wappalyzer
    • 1.2 whatweb
  • 2 View page source
    • 2.1 Enumerate /nibbleblog dir & search public exploits
      • 2.1.2 Metasploit module tested on 4.0.3

        works on 4.0.3 & needs valid creds –> image.php cleanup error

  • 3 Dir-busting
    • 3.1 Enumerate subdirectories
  • 4 Upload a PHP reverse shell directly on My Image plugin.

Checking technologies

Wappalyzer technologies
whatweb technologies

Viewing page source

Homepage's page source

Add to checklist: Enumerate /nibbleblog dir & search public exploits.

Searching for public exploits

Nibbleblog public exploit

CVE-2015-6967: Unrestricted file upload vulnerability in the My Image plugin in Nibbleblog before 4.0.5 allows remote administrators to execute arbitrary code by uploading a file with an executable extension, then accessing it via a direct request to the file in content/private/plugins/my_image/image.php.

Metasploit module

Metasploit module options
Metasploit module options


Gobuster's scan results

Enumerating subdirectories

README subdirectory-Nibbleblog's version

Nibbleblog v4.0.3 –> Metasploit module, need to find creds.

content subdirectory-users.xml file

Username, admin, obtained, still missing password for Logging in & Metasploit. After trying several passwords, admin:nibbles works.

Metasploit’s module erroring

Metasploit error message

MSF error: tried re-installing My Image plugin, and although image.php is not there, still same error.

Uplading a PHP reverse shell

My Image plugin configurations
Shell upload
Reverse shell obtained

3. Initial Foothold


  • 1 Stabilize shell
  • 2 Search for user.txt
  • 3 Check current user’s privileges

Stabilizing shell & searching for user.txt

Upgrading revese shell and getting user flag

Checking current user’s privs

Checking current user's privileges

nibbles can run as root with no pass. Exploit it to get a root shell.

4. Privilege Escalation


  • 1 Try to exploit
  • 2 Search for root.txt


Personal_zip file
Checking script's permissions
Adding root shell code

Searching for root.txt

Getting root shell and root.txt
Nibbles machine pwnd
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